Welcome from Metro-Male
I would like to take a few moments to say to all our members and all our visitors I am truly proud of each and everyone of you! The time you take to make yourself look and feel better about yourself does not go un-noticed! I would like all of our members to take on a daily sacrifice for a cause that is worth more than Gold, one that can easily make a difference in many individuals hearts and souls. I am calling it a "Daily Act of Kindness".
We all know how hard we work to mold, process, and obtain that perfect body. We all know how many countless hours we spend at the gym trying to define a body that truly takes work that NO one, other than like members, could even fathom. We know what it is like to go to a restaurant and oreder something that we don't even want just to keep within our training diet.
Do other really know what it takes? Does anyone have a clue of what we give up, how much pain and effort we put forward, and the sacrifices we make to have a body that we feel good about?
NO ONE DOES!!! Remember that!!! Without having doing it theirself, they have no clue what
it takes. So what I want is for each and everyone of the Bikini Bodies Members to Daily pick another member and send them a Message and tell them they look Great, you are proud of them for all their hard work, and to say you truly understand their sacrifices and the work they have done has paid off!
Please do this, we all need this kind of praise. We are on Body Building . com showing pictures of ourselves to get the Kudo, the accolades and the praise we deserve for all our hard work from like individuals that know how hard it is to do what we have done.
Thanks so much,
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