Self a wonderful word that most, if not all of are members have become very familiar with. It is a very important word since it encompasses what and who we are and moreover who we want to be. We work daily very hard to succeed when it comes to our goals in the gym and out! Who are we and who have we become? Well we can say we have become very structured, dedicated, hard working machines. Machines that no nothing but to achieve what we have set out to accomplish and that is body perfection.
So I ask what is Body Perfection? Do any of us know? The sad part is the harder we work the farther we feel we are from it. Come on you all can relate to this feeling. No matter how hard we work, no matter how many hours we put in, no matter how much weight we lift, can you ever say Enough is Enough? Hell NO! It is sad, because if we set a simple goal we can see us obtaining it without a problem. But the goal of the perfect body will NEVER we achieved in our head. Come on, pick someone that you feel is perfect. Now tell me if you worked hard and achieved that body, would it be enough? Seriously, "Would it be enough?" Sure you say it would be right now, but human nature will never allow us to settle for it when we get there.
So this brings us the the first lession in Bikini 101 dedicated to SELF. Self is part of four very important personal attributes that we must full understand in order to grasp the Bikini concept fully. These four attributes are:
Self Esteem
Self Worth
Self Consciousness
Self Assurancee
These are so important in every aspect of our life, but extremely important when it comes to Bikinis.
When it comes to putting on and wearing a bikini many idividuals have mixed feelings. Not to take anything away from you women, but you have to admit you are indoctrinated at a very early age to the bikini concept. Most women have at one time or another put on a bikini in their life. Sure, that does not mean you felt comfortable with the way it looked on you. But none the less you have done it. The vast majority of men on the other hand did not. Depending on where you grow up can be a major factor in most men's perception of wearing a bikini. I grew up in Fort Lauderdale where it was not uncommon to see men in such attire at the beach or a pool. Surely there where many men that truly in my mind shouldn't had worn such a garment. Surely some of these individuals are the ones that have left a very bad connotation in the the minds of most. We have all seen the stereotypical fat hairy man in the speedo with his gut hanging well over the front of the suit, some so large that it was hard to tell from a distance that they were even wearing a suit at all. But it is not for me to judge. Which brings me to Self Esteem, if someone has the Self Esteem to wear it and they feel that it looks good on them, then by all means they should wear what they want. But on the other hand, that should not make everyone feel that if they wear the same such suit that they will look the same.
I wore my first speedo when I was in my twenties, sure I was afraid at first. Sure I had the self esteem enough to buy it. In the dressing room I felt I looked good in it. But when I got to the beach, I was terrified! What will people think? People will think I look horrible went through my mind. But I said to myself, I know it looks good on me, so I took off my over shorts and there I was. My god I felt everyone on the beach was looking at me. I truly could see people looking. So of course human nature made we think the entire time, that people were starring at me because they thought I looked BAD. Sure the typical response, put myself down. Truly not living up to my self esteem and definitely living the very essence of self consciousness. The more I layed there tanning the more I thought. Why am I different from the others that I have seen wearing such suits? That is when it dawned on me, I need to get a grip and be proud to be who I am. I have to walk the walk. So I decided there are three main types of people that would look. The first being the individual that just is not use to seeing a male wearing such a garment. An individual that is not necassarily thinking in their mind that I look bad, more just wondering what it is all about. So that person is not thinking I look bad. So I felt better about those individuals, who ever they might be. The next type would be those that are looking at you and thinking to themself I wished I could look as good. The jealous ones that point and make comments like "I can't believe that he is wearing that!" The same individual that has a beer gut hanging over his very large bathing trunks. This individual actually makes me feel good about myself since I know I have the motivation and drive to work hard to make myself look good. The last type of individual would be the one looking mearly because they are saying WOW, does he look good. This of course is what we wish everyone would be thinking.
So for males and females alike, we need to have the self esteem to buy the suit put it on and make the adjustments needed in our bodies so we can be self assured that we look good in it. We need to have the self discipline to continue to work hard to make sure that our hard work is making use the best we can be and look in the bikini. We need to understand that it is human nature to have the self consciousness which is the driving force to make us continue to perfect our bodies. Most of all we have to love and respect ourself.
I love the word SELF and you need to also. It is all about YOU, when it comes to looking your BEST!
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